Exhibition 2018-03-19T00:14:36+00:00

Nearest exhibitions 2018

Russian Art Week
(Spring season 2018)
International Exhibition-Competition of Modern art
At the International Design Center "art-play"

My works in the category "Classical graphics" will take part in the exhibition-competition. 
Detailed information is published on the event page. Go.

Modern avant-garde
(Spring season 2018)
International Exhibition-Competition of Modern art
In the Moscow House of the artist (Moscow, St. Kuznetsky Bridge, D. 11

My works in the category "Classical graphics" will take part in the exhibition-competition.
Detailed information is published on the page of the event go.

Main exhibitions 2017

Russian Art Week
(Spring season 2017)
International Exhibition-Competition of Modern art
In the Moscow House of the artist on Kuznetsky Bridge

Two of my works in the category "Classical graphics" in the nomination "Portrait in Classical Style" took part in the exhibition-competition. One of them, "Romans" (2016), took the 1st place, the other, "Lit by the Sun" (2016), took the 2nd place.

Russian Art Week
(Autumn 2017 season)
International Exhibition-Competition of Modern art
At the International Design Center "art-play"

Two pastel works in the section "Classical graphics" in the category "Thematic classical composition" were presented to the exhibition-contest. One of them, "Breath of Spring" (2017), took the second place, and the other, "Summer Evening" (2017), took the 3rd place.

Art water
(Autumn 2017 season)
International Exhibition-Competition
In the State Geological Museum. V.I. Vernadsky on Moss

Three of my works were presented at the exhibition-Competition in the section "Water in graphic works". Work in the mixed technique "magic drop" took the 3rd place in the category "Water as a mystery".

Art Portrait

International Exhibition and competition of contemporary portrait Art "Portrait Art Festival International"
(Autumn 2017 season)
At the International Design Center "art-play"

Two of my works in the category "Graphic Portrait" took part in the exhibition-competition. In the nomination "the Ceremonial Portrait" The 1st place was taken "in the image of Caesar" (2017), and in the nomination "Plot portrait" the "singer of Gypsy Romances after the concert" (2017) won.

Art Love
International Exhibition-Competition of erotic art
(Autumn 2017 season)
At the International Design Center "art-play"

I presented the pastel work "Butterfly" (2017), which took the 1st place in the section "Erotica in graphic works" in the nomination "movement".